Friday, March 7, 2008


Hi there,

Its been six months since I held this position and sorry to say it is only now that I have decided not to utilise the other blog spot offered. My reasons for not doing so is not to confuse with the official views of MARTS and that of the

As I stated when I was elected to this position of State Manager - that I will hold the post until someone better comes along - so please volunteer .

For your information, we had a discussion with SKMM in setting up a club for the SMK Cyberjaya. This would entail a setting up of a repeater in Cyberjaya or Putrajaya. My idea is for the proposed repeater to be linked with RKK. This would lead to a 'linked Selangor Wide repeater' thus enabling the selangor hams to be in communication with each other regardless of club affiliation.

Second plan that has been put in motion is to do up the RKK repeater. Towards that end 9W2BO1 was tasked with the collection of monies donated. I believe that the names and amount of donations have been posted in the

It is only after the donation drive was launched that the President of MARTS informed me that he has tabled a motion to the National Council and that a budget was approved for the replacement of the antenna and cables for RKK and that 9W2ART was tasked with the procurement of the antenna and a 100 meter cable from our northern neighbour.

so that is it for now.

regards and 73's



Anonymous said...

Tuan SBS,

Bleh tak buat satu session kat AP2 for payment of MARTS membership to you? Masih tak renew membership lagi nih... Kalau bleh then boleh war war kan then we all datang and bagi you the cash... If cannot, may be can put the payment options on your blog for us to consider... TQ

Raf said...


Can I know the progress of this plan? Have it been implemented?
