Friday, October 9, 2009

MARTS AGM (Tentative)


I just heard from a very reliable source that

"the President of MARTS will be calling for a Council Meeting on Friday 23 October 09. At this meeting they will decide the date and place of AGM (Probably Sunday 22 Nov. ) The earliest they can have the AGM is sometime in Nov 2009 provided Hari Raya Haji holidays is not the excuse to delay further."

So guys and gals and (not forgetting the SWL's) renew your 2009 subscription if you want to have a say in the running of the society.

73 de 9w2sbs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how about those who had been trying to apply membership the past 1 year but without any response? had tried to call but no response...
~ from someone who had been trying to apply for some time...